Our Story

Our Founder

I Am Fearfully Wonderfully Made was founded by Owner & CEO Shanelle J.

Humble Beginnings began with Shanelle transition into DV Shelter and her severe battle with Major Depression. Her children were introduced to In-house Art Group that she decided to attend with them. From that day on that tiny seed planted in the soil of her life began to sprout and it's been Blossoming ever since.

Shanelle was greatly impacted as God used Creative Arts as a means to Reach, Heal, and Restore Her.

The Love of God Impacted her life so much that she wanted to share a piece of it everywhere she went. Shanelle began making one of kind vintage mirrors that said, 'You Are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made.'
She would take them to the homeless, to hospitals, and shelters.

While Living at the Domestic Violence Shelter God began to give her opportunities to teach Empowerment Workshops & Hosting Community Events Domestic Violence Shelter.

Shanelle believes strongly in Legacy and wants to create spaces to pour into Indvidual's and the Community so we will walk see them walk into the fullness of all God has created Us to Become.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to Spread The Love Of God by providing Tangible Reminders through various forms of Art.

We want to create a space to Uplift, Inspire and Empower Individual, Families and Communities by providing jewelry classes, creative workshops, and Entrepreneural skills by collaborating with other Entrepreneurs.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful" Psalms 139:14